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Introduction to Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University

Hospital 24-hour public and patient health consultation hotline: 59978585Hospital address: No. 119,

Research Profile

The hospital has outstanding research capabilities and significant characteristics. In the past five

Visit of the Prof. Clay Johnston and Johnson & Johnson Delegation

On January 7, 2024, Professor Clay Johnston and a delegation from Johnson & Johnson visited the


Official TitleColchicine in High-risk Patients With Acute Minor-to-moderate Ischemic Stroke or Trans


Official TitleINdobufen Versus aSpirin in acUte Ischemic stRokE(INSURE)Brief SummaryChina has the la


Official TitleClopidogrel With Aspirin in High-risk Patients With Acute Non-disabling Cerebrovascula


Official TitleEfficacy and safety of Ferrous iron on the prevention of Vascular cOgnitive impaiRment


Official TitleA Multicenter, Prospective, Randomized, Open-label, Blinded End-point Clinical Study t