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Fenghe Du

Dr. Du is a M.D, chief physician, professor, supervisor of postgraduate candidate of Beijing Tianta

Research Profile

The hospital has outstanding research capabilities and significant characteristics. In the past five

Visit of the Prof. Clay Johnston and Johnson & Johnson Delegation

On January 7, 2024, Professor Clay Johnston and a delegation from Johnson & Johnson visited the


Official TitleColchicine in High-risk Patients With Acute Minor-to-moderate Ischemic Stroke or Trans


Official TitleRecombinant Human Prourokinase(rhPro-UK)for Injection Versus Standard Medical Treatmen


Official TitleA Phase 3, Multicenter, Prospective, Randomized, Open Label, Blinded-endpoint (PROBE)


Official TitleA Phase II, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Dose-Finding, Multi-center S


Official TitleTreatment of Acute Ischemic STroke With Edaravone Dexborneol Ⅱ (TASTE-2)Brief SummaryT